St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School


Pupil Voice at Aloeric Primary School

Getting it RIGHT for every pupil


Pupil Voice

At Aloeric, we pride ourselves on our students having a voice. We value their views concerning all aspects of school life. We aim to nurture a culture where all children feel listened to, valued, respected, safe and empowered. Mrs Hodges is our Pupil Voice Lead.  She is always ready to listen to the views of the children.


How we listen to children at Aloeric School

Currently there are a range of opportunities for listening to our pupils on key issues in our school. 

UNICEF - Rights Respecting School – elected members of this team work together as ‘Rights Ambassadors’ to promote the first 42 articles of the treaty. Every child has rights, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most complete statement of children’s rights ever produced and is the most widely-ratified international human rights treaty in history. At present we are at Silver Level. If you'd like more information about our Rights Respecting School Award - click here.

School Council - Elected members form this team. It is comprised of two School Councillors from each class from Y1 – Y6. Regular council meetings take place within each class and are led by the councillors. The children in each class have access to a suggestion box. The councillors represent their peers by attending a meeting to discuss the issues which have been identified. Whenever possible, solutions are discussed and then implemented. The School Councillors from Y5 & Y6 work collaboratively to peer review with the other children who are in partnership with us in the Pickwick Academy.

Fairtrade Representatives – elected members from KS2 classes form this team. They meet regularly to ensure that Aloeric School continues to promote the use of Fairtrade products and organise Fairtrade events. We pride ourselves in holding a Fairtrade Fair Achievers certificate.

School Newspaper – We have a school newspaper that is published each month.  Each class is able to add their news, views and articles.

Eco – Warriors – A team which constantly reviews how our school can be ‘greener’. Our motto is: Re-cycle, Re-use and Reduce!

Peer Mediation- This is made up of a voluntary team of children who have undertaken training in peer to peer support. The team are able to mediate at break times on the playground – sorting out minor issues that may arise between children who are experiencing a difference of opinion!





 Your voice is important. That is why we have so many Ambassadors across the school:

Class Councillors

Fair Trade Reps

Sports Ambassadors

Team Captains and Vice Captains

RE Ambassadors

Reading Buddies

Lunchtime Buddies

Mini Police

Currently our School Council is updating our anti bullying policy. What would you add to it?