St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

Aloeric Local Governing Committee

The Local Governing Committee is made up of elected parent governors, staff governors, co-opted governors (from business and the local community) and Trust representatives. Their role is to determine the strategic direction of the school and ensure that the school complies with its statutory responsibilities. 

The Governors meet 6 times per year to discuss progress towards the school's strategic objectives.

Governor Roles and Responsibilities:

Chair of Governors

Tim Waldron

Vice Chair of Governors: 

Lara Haines

Safeguarding Governor: 

Tim Waldron

Inclusion Governor:


Health & Safety Governor:


Finance Governor:


Assessment and Data:

Helen White

Community Governor:

Tim Waldron

FS2 Governor:

Lara Haines

Curriculum:                                    Helen White


Curriculum Link Governors


Link Author:                                                                    Helen White and Lara Haines

Link Mathematician:                                                        

Link Scientist:                                                                 Lara Haines

Link Artist, Musician and Engineer:                              

Link Geographer, Historian and Theologian:                    Tim Waldron