St Michael's Road, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 6HN

01225 702 563

Aloeric Primary School

  Year One

                   Hedgehog Class Teachers: Miss Mackenzie and Mrs Anderson      

Squirrel Class Teacher: Miss Humphries

Squirrel 4 Illustration - TwinklKS1 Hedgehog Open Eyes Illustration - Twinkl

Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 is an exciting and rewarding time as the children make the transition from Foundation Stage into Year 1. Our primary aim is to develop a safe and happy environment where your children will thrive. The children access continuous provision, both indoors and outside to continue to learn through play. This becomes more structured in Year 1 with challenges for the children to complete independently each week during their play, as well as guided group work with the adults. We have chosen this approach based on lots of research about children's engagement and brain development, as well as supporting their transition from FS2.


In Year 1, we will particularly be focusing on the children applying their phonic knowledge (especially using digraphs) in their reading and writing. The children will also be taught the National Curriculum now that they are in Key Stage 1. We teach the knowledge and skills the children need through enquiries, or big questions. We carefully choose enquiries that will hopefully inspire and engage your children both at home and school – see our curriculum newsletter and overview for each term below.



Enquiries for 2023/2024:

Term 1: 'Who helps who?' and 'What am I?'

Term 2: 'What changes around me in autumn?' and 'What do artists do?'

Term 3: 'What changes around me in winter' and 'Where is my school?'

Term 4: 'What is my hat made of?' and 'What changes around me in spring?'

Term 5: 'What grows near me?' and 'How do we move around?'

Term 6: 'How could we play in different ways?', 'What might I do in the future?' and 'What changes around me in summer?'


During a typical week in Year One, we will be authors and mathematicians during the morning sessions, with time to learn as a whole class as well as in small groups and through play. During the afternoon sessions we really explore our enquiries. Twice a week we are athletes in PE sessions (Mondays and Wednesdays) and once a week we are engineers in the computer suite, where we use Purple Mash. We love visiting the school library and visit each week on a Monday. Please see the termly newsletter and curriculum overview for further information.






Blended Learning is sent out each Friday


Pages & Sites of Interest

Please note that Aloeric Primary School are not responsible for the content of external web sites.

Purple Mash (please see your child's reading folder for a log in)

ICT Games


 Things every parent should know about play.pdfDownload
 Year 1 parent meeting 22.1.2020.pptxDownload
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